Discover Diving Curacao
The dive shop is located at the Lagun beach.
They offer both shore and boat dives and have a great selection of dive equipment for rent.
Discover Diving Curacao also has a snack bar which is open from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m for a small bite.
On right side of the complex there is a small convenience store, which the locals call a “Toko”.
The "Toko" is located next the Catholic Church on the left side of the road, there you can get almost everything, including prepaid telephone cards. The “Toko” is daily opened until approximately 7:00 pm.
Curacao in general:
What sets Curacao apart has little to do with tourism. With its unique buildings and natural harbor, the capital Willemstad became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.
The town is a big, bustling port (and the largest dry dock in the region).
Huge ships sail right through downtown, and the Queen Emma Bridge creates a unique sight when it turns sideways to let them pass.
Much of the shipping traffic revolves around the island's large oil refinery, second only to tourism as an economic factor for the island.
When Shell Oil ran the refinery, Curaçao became one of the more prosperous parts of the Caribbean. Shell left in 1985, and the government now leases the facilities to a Venezuelan company that runs it on a much smaller scale.
With a mixture of 55 different nationalities on the island, Curacao has a fascinating multicultural aspect. It also has a cosmopolitan character:
The majority of residents speak at least four languages -- English, Spanish, Dutch and their own Papiamento.
We are very happy to have you here with us and will do our utmost to make you feel at home, here in Curaçao and of course at "My Dream Apartments”.